Māmā Moving Mountains’ dream to reduce Northland poverty recognised nationally

Some of the wāhine toa behind Māmā Moving Mountains, including (from right) Sherie Ihaia Reweti, Liz Cassidy-Nelson, Carol Peters and Corina Moses. Photo / Michael Cunningham

The humble yet life-changing dreams of Whangārei mums are being ushered into reality by a group of dedicated women taking on poverty.

For two and a half years a collective of local wāhine has been inspiring whānau to aspire under the banner of Māmā Moving Mountains.

Now those māmā are stretching their helpful hands further into Tai Tokerau thanks to a $100,000 national grant from Te Hiringa Hauora.

Taha wairua leader Sherie Ihaia Reweti says they provide a safe place for mums to exchange ideas, share experiences and offer support.

“We take the dreams and aspirations of māmā – what they want to do for their whānau and for themselves to thrive – and we take that, help them to nurture it and see what it can become.”

So far wāhine have been enabled to develop small businesses and papakāinga, gain employment, buy a home or reclaim children from state care.

Māmā Moving Mountains focuses on the Māori health model Te Whare Tapa Whā – Taha tinana (physical health), taha whānau (family health), taha wairua (spiritual health) and taha hinengaro (mental health).

For circle leader Corina Moses the “uplifting sisterhood” was about normalising self-love.

“It’s a reminder for māmā and wahine to fill our own cups because we do so much within our whānau with our tamariki, pēpi, and tane,” she said.

Reweti added: “If we don’t put the love back into ourselves, how are we going to be loving for everyone else if we’re not showing ourselves that care and kindness?”

The 155 Whare Āwhina project was first given thought at a 2016 hui of Child Poverty Action Whangārei, founder and supervisor Carol Peters said.

At the time the hui was tackling the questions of what actions would start to reduce Northland poverty or what could be done to support people to transform their lives.

“Big questions, out of which a collective pulled together – Māmā Moving Mountains,” Peters said.

“This inspiring project was built on the belief that mothers have big dreams for themselves and their children, they want the best for them in their growing lives and in their future.”

And the best way to achieve that was for wāhine to work together as a collective.

The initiative, facilitated by Shirley-Anne Brown, was “simple yet quite powerful”, Peters said.

Reweti said the group is open to any wāhine who cares for whānau – you don’t have to be a mum. Anyone interested in learning more or taking part can email mmminspiretoaspire@gmail.com.

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