In pictures: Waitangi Day and dawn service, 2024

Thousands have gathered at the Treaty Grounds to take part in the dawn service on Waitangi Day

Here are some of the best moments caught on camera.

Follow RNZ’s live coverage throughout the day here.

The Waitangi Dawn Service 2024.

The Dawn Service at sunrise.
Photo: RNZ / Angus Dreaver

Waitangi Day 2024 Feb 6

Governor General Dame Cindy Kiro at Waitangi Treaty Grounds.
Photo: RNZ

Boy on a horse south of Kawakawa

A boy on a horse south of Kawakawa.
Photo: RNZ

Dawn at the Waitangi Treaty Grounds.

Dawn at the Waitangi Treaty Grounds.
Photo: RNZ

Hone Sadler

Hone Sadler at the Waitangi Treaty Grounds.
Photo: RNZ

Sun rising over Treaty Grounds

Sun rising over Treaty Grounds.
Photo: RNZ

Waitangi Day 2024 Feb 6

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon speaks at the Treaty Grounds, Waitangi Day 2024.
Photo: RNZ

Treaty Grounds at sunrise

Treaty Grounds at sunrise on Waitangi Day 2024.
Photo: RNZ

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