In pictures: Events at Waitangi on Monday 5 February 2024

A group of 200 or so people hold up white flags as Tame Iti arrives at Te Whare Runanga on Waitangi Day 2024.

Tame Iti arrives at Te Whare Rūnanga to present his part-protest, part-art installation.

Iwi, politicians, protesters and public continue to arrive at the Treaty Grounds today, as part of Waitangi commemorations.

National, ACT and New Zealand First are set to be welcomed onto the Treaty grounds about 11am.

  • Follow RNZ’s live coverage throughout the day here.
Tame Iti has arrived at Te Whare Rūnanga this morning with a large contingent of activists carrying white flags of great height as part of an art installation.

Protesters in white prepare to go on to the marae as part of Tame Iti’s art installation at Waitangi Treaty Grounds.
Photo: Pokere Paewai

Hundreds of protesters arrive at Waitangi for Tame Iti's white flag protest.

Hundreds of protesters arrive at Waitangi for Tame Iti’s white flag protest.
Photo: RNZ / Pokere Paewai

A dramatic soundscape is being played as the people holding white flags disperse, walking around the manuhiri side of the wharenui and atea, in this part pōwhiri, part art piece.

Three wāhine Māori karanga and accompany Tame Iti’s part protest, part art installation.
Photo: Shannon Haunui-Thompson

Women on the paepae at Waitangi Marae 5 February 2024

Women on the paepae at Waitangi Marae.
Photo: Anneke Smith

Corin Dann broadcasting live for Morning Report from the Waitangi Treaty Grounds 5 February 2024.

Corin Dann broadcasting live for Morning Report from the Waitangi Treaty Grounds.
Photo: Anneke Smith

Tame Iti presents his sculpture, Ngā Tamatoa,  to Waitangi at Treaty commemorations on 5 February 2024.

Tame Iti presents his sculpture, Ngā Tamatoa, to Waitangi.
Photo: Anneke Smith

Tame Iti standing beside the sculpture named Ngā Tamatoa which he gifted to Waitangi.

Tame Iti standing beside the sculpture named Ngā Tamatoa, which he gifted to Waitangi.
Photo: Pokere Paewai

Chris Dews from Ōtaki painting on the Waitangi Treaty Grounds 5 February 2024. He says it's a very special time and wants to capture the landscape.

Chris Dews from Ōtaki painting on the Waitangi Treaty Grounds. He says it’s a very special time and wants to capture the landscape.
Photo: Anneke Smith

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