Pro golfer Luke Toomey gets hair chopped off to raise funds for brother-in-law Rob Ludlow

A New Zealand professional golfer known for his wild hair has had the chop to help raise funds for family member and Whangārei assault victim Rob Ludlow.

Luke Toomey raised more than $10,000 for his brother-in-law who is recovering from a street attack that caused life-threatening injuries on February 26.

After months of surgeries and treatment, Ludlow was well enough to sit behind Toomey and cut his hair at the Auckland rehabilitation centre where he is working on his recovery.

Family members, including Ludlow’s wife Elysha and the couple’s son Finn, and Toomey’s wife Kayla Hoyland-Toomey, were there for the Chop-For-Rob event on July 22 which was videoed and posted on social media.


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In the video, Ludlow can be seen smiling and laughing as he cuts off the individual braids on Toomey’s head. He then stands to shave the rest of Toomey’s hair with clippers.

The funds raised have been added to the existing Givealittle page to help support the family through their tough time, which now totals more than $92,000.

“It was brilliant, he was brilliant, he laughed his way through it,” Toomey said.

“His sense of humour is all there.


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“Rob’s the sort of person who would be the first to be at your bedside if you were in his situation.

“It only seems right to do something … to be able to raise money for his recovery and rehabilitation.

“It’s a huge return for such a small gesture.”

Rob Ludlow [left] with his wife Elysha and their son Finn, and Luke Toomey [right] with his wife Kayla in happier days before the assault.
Rob Ludlow [left] with his wife Elysha and their son Finn, and Luke Toomey [right] with his wife Kayla in happier days before the assault.

Ludlow, a father of two young children, is learning how to eat, walk and talk again after suffering a traumatic brain injury during the alleged assault.

After spending two months in Auckland City Hospital, he was transferred to the rehabilitation centre and is receiving round-the-clock medical care.

The latest update on the Givealittle page says Ludlow has been making “some epic progress” and the family was feeling hopeful for the future.

Though he still needs assistance, is battling some pain, and has lost sight in one eye, his voice was getting stronger, and his walking had improved.

Toomey, 30, said Ludlow is “well on the way to recovery”.

“He’s doing as well as we could hope, for someone in his situation.

“We’re lucky to have him in our lives at this point and grateful for every minute we spend with him.”


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Luke Toomey was happy to have his braids lopped off to help raise funds for brother-in-law Rob Ludlow and his family.
Luke Toomey was happy to have his braids lopped off to help raise funds for brother-in-law Rob Ludlow and his family.

Toomey – the three-time winner on the Jennian Homes Charles Tour – said he was known as “the guy with the big afro” in the golf industry.

In 2018 he decided to start growing his hair for the purpose of cutting it for charity, which he thought at the time would be cancer or mental health.

His hair was halfway down his back before Ludlow took to it with a pair of scissors.

“Obviously with a family member in need, it’s just instinct to want to do everything you can to help them.

“We’re super grateful for the amazing New Zealand community and wider.

“There have been some people from overseas that have donated … the support and love we’ve received from everyone has been unbelievable.


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“Out of the worst of humanity also came some of the best.”

Luke Toomey was known for his big hair in the golfing industry.
Luke Toomey was known for his big hair in the golfing industry.

Elysha Ludlow said it was heartwarming to see so many people get behind the fundraiser.

“We’re so lucky to have such an epic brother-in-law.

“He and Rob have always inspired, motivated and supported each other, so to have Luke offer his signature head of hair for Rob’s cause was incredible, but definitely not surprising.

“It’s just the kind of person he is, and the kind of relationship they have.

“It was so cool to see Rob complete Luke’s haircut by himself, he was determined to not need any help, and he did it.


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“We’re so proud of him, he did a really good job.”

Te Puke Golf Club is holding its own fundraiser for the Ludlow family on July 26 at 11am. All proceeds will go to the Givealittle fund.

Jenny Ling is a news reporter and features writer for the Northern Advocate. She has a special interest in covering roading, health, business and animal welfare issues.

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