They blew more than five times the legal limit, with an excess alcohol reading of 1280mcg (file image).
Photo: RNZ
A person towing a boat was caught driving five times over the legal limit.
Police said 55 people were caught driving over the legal alcohol limit over Matariki in Northland.
Road policing manager Inspector Anne-Marie Fitcheet said it was disappointing so many were not getting the message.
“We’ve already had 21 deaths due to crashes on our roads in Northland this year, and sadly alcohol is an ever-present contributing factor to any road toll.”
The driver towing a boat was caught after a member of the public called police and reported dangerous driving on State Highway 1 near Waipu.
Fitchett said the driver was stopped and breath tested.
They blew more than five times the legal limit, with an excess alcohol reading of 1280mcg.
She said this sort of driving behaviour was “incredibly reckless” and “unacceptable”.
“It’s a miracle this didn’t end in tragedy.”
Police said more than 14,500 speeding infringements have been issued in Northland in the past year.
“That’s a lot of people making poor driving decisions, but more importantly, a huge amount of people putting other motorists and their families at risk,” Fitchett said.
“We all want to go home to our families at the end of the day, and as a community we can make a big impact on whether that happens or not.
“Not many people equate driving sober and staying within speed limits to potentially saving lives, but that’s what it comes down to.”