Northland news in brief: Kerikeri teen sccots way to third at world champs; armed police in Kensington

Cooper Steen [right] and his mum Tania at the scooter nationals in Napier which saw Steen qualify for the Scooter World Championships in Spain this month.

Far North scooter rider Cooper Steen nabbed third place at the Scooter World Championships in Madrid. The 16-year-old Kerikeri High School student was in Spain for the event which ran from June 16 to 18. He competed in the street category. His mum Tania Steen said the competition was tough. “We are so proud,” she said. “It’s a huge achievement.” Steen also scored a bronze medal for at the World Skate Games in Argentina last year.

Mental health incident

Armed police were deployed to Keyte St in Whangārei on Tuesday morning following a mental health incident. Cordons were put in place as officers searched for a person in relation to an incident in the area but were later lifted and police stood down.

Five hurt in crash

Five people were hurt in a serious crash that closed State Highway 1 north of Whangārei on Tuesday afternoon. It is believed a light truck towing a caravan and an SUV collided on SH1 near Puhipuhi Rd north of Whakapara at around 2pm. A Hato Hone St John spokesperson confirmed five people had been injured. Of these, two were seriously hurt and taken to Whangārei Hospital alongside one other patient in a moderate condition. The remaining two people were moderately injured and taken to Bay of Islands Hospital. Firefighters from Whangārei and Hikurangi responded alongside three ambulances and a rapid response unit. SH1 was closed between Hukerenui Rd and Jordan Valley Rd for more than two hours.

Court to be repaired

A new basketball court at Kerikeri Domain out of action since late last year will be repaired — temporarily at least — by the end of this month, the Far North District Council says. The basketball hoop’s glass backboard was reportedly broken around Christmas, not long after the court’s official opening, with repair delays frustrating the town’s keen young players. The council’s delivery and operations group manager, Kevin Johnson, said assured the community a temporary unit will be in place by the end of June if an ordered backboard does not arrive by then.


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Ball tickets on sale

Tickets for the Northland Women’s Club (NWC) inaugural charity ball are available now. The newly-formed women’s business group will raise funds for the Breast Cancer Foundation NZ, with all ticket and auction sales going to charity. The event will feature a live band and entertainment, guest speakers, a three-course meal, a $500 goody bag and drink and canape on arrival. The NWC Charity Ball is from 6pm-11pm on Saturday, August 26 at the Bay of Islands Golf Club. Tickets are limited. For more information visit:

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