Northland news in brief: Bittern on the brink; nurses strike canned

An adult matuku hūrepo, or Australasian bittern, is so good at being undercover that it is often difficult to find and track. Photo / Imogen Warren

Fears New Zealand’s native bittern is on the brink have sparked a plea for Northlanders to report sightings, calls and known locations where the wetland bird frequents. Kiwi Coast spoke of how no one knows how many bitterns are left in New Zealand and that they have a threatened status of nationally critical. It is estimated there are only 250 to 1000 fully grown bitterns alive in New Zealand. To learn more, contact either the Department of Conservation, Northland Regional Council, Kiwi Coast or QEII National Trust.

A yes from NZNO

New Zealand Nurses Organisation Tōpūtanga Tapuhi Kaitiaki o Aotearoa (NZNO) members yesterday voted to accept the latest collective agreement proposed settlement from Te Whatu Ora. As a result, a 24-hour strike planned for Wednesday 9 has been canned. NZNO chief executive Paul Goulter said while members accepted the offer, it was clear that members strongly believed a lot still needed to change.

Pita Pit provides


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Te Kura o Otangarei kids have not only full tummies but also new sports kits thanks to Pita Pit in Whangārei. They are one of five Northland schools that receive lunches from Pita Pit as part of the Ministry of Education’s Ka Ora Ka Ako Healthy School Lunches programme. Two stores have whipped up over 59,000 lunches for Northland kids in the first two terms of 2023 and have also sourced 1200 sports balls to distribute at primary, intermediate and secondary schools and kura.

Bans for lambs

Ngāti Kuri Farms have banned hunting on their properties as it is lambing season. They said the decision will prevent lamb losses and stress to stock. They have asked the public not to enter their farms.

Chiefs, chairs, campaigns and committees


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Far North Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford has refuted rumours she is the campaign chief for Northland MP Willow-Jean Prime. Stratford said she is, however, chairwoman of Labour’s Electorate Committee (LEC), which meets for one or two hours every month. The LECs are an opportunity for members to hear about what’s happening in the party, and what MPs are doing regarding legislation, she said. Stratford said she has been on the LEC since 2018.

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