Is the Gorge open? | RNZ

It’s a frequently asked question up in the far north of the country and now one young entrepreneur has come up with a way to memorialise it on a t shirt

Kaitaia-based ACA Clothing is now printing a crew-neck T-shirt sporting with the question “Is the gorge open?” emblazoned across the front.

The question refers to the Mangamuka-Gorge-Road which is frequently closed. 

Marley Maheno, who owns ACA Clothing, and designed the t shirt talks to us about the slogan. 

It's one of the most frequently asked questions in Northland - and now you can get a custom-made T-shirt in its honour.

It’s one of the most frequently asked questions in Northland – and now you can get a custom-made T-shirt in its honour.
Photo: supplied

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