Far North news in brief: New citizens; power cut investigation; and infrastructure funding

Far North District Mayor/Kahika Moko Tepania with some of the 45 Far North residents who were sworn in as NZ citizens at a ceremony in Kaikohe last week.

New citizens welcomed

Far North District Council held a citizenship ceremony for 45 people who recently became New Zealand citizens. The ceremony at Memorial Hall in Kaikohe was officiated by Far North District Mayor Moko Tepania, assisted by Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford. About 60 whānau and friends were on hand to see loved ones complete their citizenship journey. The new citizens came from more than 20 countries, including England, Wales, France, India, South Africa, Colombia, the United States, and Russia.

Infrastructure funding

Northland councils, iwi, businesses and community organisations with infrastructure projects that support regional priorities are invited to apply for funding from the Regional Infrastructure Fund, which opened yesterday.

The fund will drive regional productivity, prosperity and resilience by focusing on two key investment categories: resilience infrastructure to improve regions’ ability to absorb, adapt and respond to stresses and shocks, and enabling infrastructure to support growth by ensuring regions are well connected and productive.

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