Far north iwi place rāhui on Ninety Mile beach after body washes ashore

Kaumatua from far north iwi Te Aupōri have placed a rāhui on Ninety Mile beach in the far north after a body washed ashore on Sunday.


Kaumatua from far north iwi Te Aupōri have placed a rāhui on Ninety Mile beach in the far north after a body washed ashore on Sunday.

Kaumatua from far north iwi Te Aupōri have placed a rāhui on Ninety Mile beach in the far north after a body washed ashore on Sunday.

The rāhui has been placed from Wakatehaua (Bluff) to Kahokawa (Scott’s Point), until January 14.

This comes as a diver was reported missing in Ahipara, Far North, two days before Christmas.

The diver was reported missing at 4pm on Saturday, December 23 and searches on the shoreline, on the water and from the air failed to locate them.

The search team was stood down on Christmas Day.

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