Northland news in brief: Principals accept MoE offer; cultural sector funding; hazard plan submissions open

Primary school principals have voted by majority to accept the latest Ministry of Education offer on their collective agreement.

Primary principals accept MoE offer

Primary school principals have voted by majority to accept the latest Ministry of Education offer on their collective agreement.

The third and final offer will see pay increases occur gradually over two years, the first by 6 per cent on July 3.

The agreement also covers a professional coaching and wellbeing fund of $6,000 per annum in 2023 and 2024, as well as lump sum payments to union members and fulltime principals.


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Lynda Stuart, lead negotiator for the primary principals’ collective agreement, said while the changes are a step towards addressing some of the issues faced by principals, they will continue to push to stop education from becoming a “political football”.

“We now have the opportunity to further advance important issues which will continue to make New Zealand schools a place where our tamariki reach their highest potential, learn and thrive,” she said.

Regeneration funding

Two cultural sector organisations in Northland are among 17 nationwide that were successful in the final round of the $28 million Cultural Sector Regeneration Fund. Creative Northland received up to $294,700 to support its community outreach providing business skills workshops, creative technology workshops, internships and creative wellbeing workshops for Northland creatives. Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa received up to $835,550 to support the delivery of an archiving and digitisation programme for the history, whakapapa and manuscripts of Te Rarawa iwi and their hapū marae.


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Hazard plan submissions open

Submissions close on the Whangārei District Council’s draft Natural Hazards District Plan Change on July 28. The aim of the plan change is to protect people and their property from damage caused by unstable land, coastal erosion, flooding and mining subsidence. The proposed plan change would apply to new subdivisions and developments in areas that could be at risk from natural hazards. To view the maps to see what land has a “natural hazard overlay” and make a submission, visit:

Helping rangitahi thrive

Visitors to Kerikeri Domain will be treated to an art installation of angel wings – a community project led by the Ngā Anahera Pākira Bald Angels charity. Installation of the wings, next to the new children’s playground at the domain, was completed this week, with a blessing made yesterday morning by Kipa Munro of Ngāti Rēhia and Arana Munro, kaumātua of Ngā Anahera Pākira Bald Angels Charitable Trust. The ‘Nōku Te Ao, Free to Be Me’ project promotes inclusivity and diversity by supporting rangatahi to thrive no matter their gender, ethnicity, faith, ability or social status. Even the design of the angel wing feathers took an inclusive approach, with each feather individually designed by members of the community including the young, elders, tangata whenua, visitors and immigrants.

House fire under investigation

Fire investigators are searching for the cause of a house fire in the Far North. Fire and Emergency New Zealand crews from Ōkaihau, Kerikeri and Kaikohe attended the blaze on Bullman Rd in Ōhaeawai about 7pm on Thursday. Fire investigator Gary Beer said a three-bedroom brick house with a self-contained unit downstairs was “destroyed”, though it was too early to tell how it started.

“Half of the house has collapsed – the whole house has been destroyed. There’s nothing worth retrieving here.”

The house was unoccupied at the time it caught fire. Beer said he’s not yet been able to talk to the owner, but he believes it was occupied by a single person who was initially unaccounted for but was later found. A relative is also coming up from Wellington to help that person, Beer said.

Beer and a fellow investigator were combing through the remains at the site on Friday and would likely return on Saturday, he said.

They found one smoke alarm in the downstairs unit, but it was unclear if there were any more throughout the house. Beer said it was “a timely reminder” for people to check smoke alarms.


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