Mayor Moko Tepania in Kaitāia in 2019, two months after he was first elected onto the council. Photo: LDR / Susan Botting Far North kahikā (mayor) Moko Tepania says being elected into his role...
For English translations, turn on by clicking ‘English Subtitles’ when hovering over the video Series Classification: G (General Audiences) A descendant of Aotearoa New Zealand’s most northern tribe, Ngāti Kuri, Kapowairua Waitai arrives at the barber...
More than 40 people and at least a dozen pooches took part in the protest. Photo: Peter de Graaf / RNZ More than 40 people and a dozen pooches of every shape and size...
Fluoridation for Whangārei’s Whau Valley water treatment plant will be going ahead, the district council says, in spite of a High Court ruling on the government mandated introduction. Photo: Northern Advocate / Tania Whyte...
SH15 south of Kaikohe is expected to remain closed until this evening. Photo: RNZ State Highway 15 south of Kaikohe is expected to remain closed until Wednesday evening following a serious crash involving a...
Ruawai community climate adaptation pilot leader and former Kaipara Deputy Mayor Anna Curnow. Photo: Northern Advocate / Michael Cunningham A Ruawai leader is taking her community’s call to save Kaipara’s $1.5 million climate adaptation...